Graduation Day Snapshots


Two weeks ago, I walked across a stage and received my diploma. Well actually, I walked across two stages in two different ceremonies and was handed a placeholder diploma – my real one is on its way via snail mail. There was the typical fanfare – processionals and fancy guest speakers – but the day was sweetly simple. My parents and grandparents were there, and we all grabbed lunch with Domenico’s family. Between the two ceremonies, Domenico and I played with Raena and watched The Graduate.

Since graduation day, I’ve mostly been working, finishing Mad Men, visiting with friends who have moved on to new and exciting cities and were back to graduate, planning for my upcoming trip to Europe, and housesitting for my parents while they’re in Alaska. As you can gather, not much has changed since becoming a college graduate. I have more time to make dinner after I get home from work and less on my agenda. Mostly, I’m grappling with the idea that this is adulthood. Sure, I was independent and employed while I was in college, but this is officially the beginning of the rest of my life. Unlike the life of a student, there is no end date, no graduation day to mark on the calendar. It’s exciting, overwhelming, distressing and inspiring all at once. Pretty soon I’ll come up with my Master Plan for Life, but for tonight, I’ll just watch Marie Antoinette and plan my trip to Versailles.

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Christmas Snapshots


I hope you all had a lovely holiday. My whole week was full of Christmas festivities and celebrations. I got to see so many people I love and catch up with some people I hadn’t seen in years. Here are a few moments from my Christmas week.

Monday: Cookie baking with Mom and Emily followed by an extravagant dinner and gift exchange with Domenico and Tommy.

Tuesday: Kaylie and my annual Christmas brunch. It’s one of my favorite traditions and the perfect time to catch up with old friends from high school. As per usual, we ate latkes, sat around the tree, and made big plans for our futures that are approaching very quickly.

Wednesday: Christmas Eve service and a party with Domenico’s family.

Thursday: Christmas morning with my parents. We drank mimosas and cried over sentimental gifts. Then we headed to my grandparents’ house for dinner and good company.


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“The Birds” Halloween Costume


I hope everyone had a sweet Halloween! I spent the day eating Kit-Kat bars and checking out everyone’s costume at work. It was my first Halloween at Make-A-Wish, and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. A group of us walked the few blocks to our usual coffee spot, Royal Coffee Bar, in our costumes, and I think we made a few peoples’ days. I went with Melanie Daniels (aka Tippi Hedren) from Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 film The Birds.



This was actually the first Hitchcock movie I ever saw. My mom introduced it to me about 10 years ago, and it’s just as delightfully disturbing today. For those who are familiar with the movie, this costume is definitely a hit. Unfortunately, it’s fallen by the cinematic wayside a bit, but it’s still a very cute, classic, and simple costume.


  • a vintage green dress
  • a messy up-do
  • some fake blood (old lipstick in my case)
  • a headband
  • some little plastic crows (I got mine at Michael’s)
  • jewelry wire

Simply wrap some thin jewelry wire around the birds’ little feet and position them at different heights around the headband. Add some blood and a vintage feel, and you’re set! The headband really makes this costume, and it looks like the birds are moving and flying above your head as you walk.

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Domenico was feeling pretty sick, and I was ready to take off my heels by the end of the day, so we opted for a quiet evening watching The Shining (another Halloween favorite of mine) at the Biltmore park and eating tacos.

Oh, and for the third year in a row, Rae was a shark. I think it might be time for me to knit her another costume. Any ideas?
